roto vision sa, publisher, uk
co-author: aris janigian
foreward: lewis blackwell
How does one live in this world? How does one incorporate the struggle to be or become? How does one integrate the spiritual in a culture such as ours? How does one honor the sacred? My entire career to date has been like a journey. the exploration. and discovery. with the client, or an immediate creative problem on the one hand, while creating content at a deeper level on the other. a most rewarding and amazing experience. chance. surprise. joy. all necessary in the art-making process.
-april greiman
Something from nothing explores the digital design process as pioneered by April Greiman. Greiman is internationally recognized as one of the world's most innovative and influential designers. Her bold, kinetic explorations of typography and colors as objects in time and space are grounded in the brilliant fusion of technology and graphics. Designed by Greiman, and written together with design critic and psychologist Aris Janigian, this book in an intimate insight into Greiman's design philosophies and the many projects she has executed. She has collaborated with many designers and architects around the world. Greiman remains at the helm of integrated design.